Monday, February 8, 2010

EP release + live shows

just got hard back to work on material for the EP for my DOBREGA project. the EP is to be released sometime in the future once i feel that my music is up to my own standards and thus finally take it in to be mixed and mastered.

just finished getting a number of needed additions to complete my live rig. now that everything is in place, time to program it all.

if you haven't heard my music, check and check for updates on upcoming shows and more.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


who needs em?
other people too.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i'm diving into new possibilities

head first.
like a pool full of jello.
eating it up.

Monday, February 1, 2010

epic structures anyone?

it's day two of this week. "but it's only monday!" you say. nay. sunday was but day one. ok yeah.

in association with my growing love for technology, computers, synthesizers, strange noises and craziness in general, i perused the internet to find some awesome pictures of the two cities in china i really want to visit soon. both feature some epic structures.

take a gander.

first: hong kong

and of course, shanghai

same tunnel in crazy blur mode. apparently it plays house music too. 

tallest building in shanghai. totally looks like blade runner